The Challenge.

Pravarsha Dairy, a leading dairy product manufacturer and distributor in Hyderabad, faced challenges in achieving significant online reach and growth.

Their pre-existing marketing strategy and online presence were not aligned with their business goals and objectives, leading to limited engagement and low website traffic. 

Pravarsha Dairy needed a comprehensive marketing solution to address these challenges and enhance its online presence.

Our Solution.

To transform Pravarsha Dairy’s online presence, our team offered 360 marketing services that addressed their marketing challenges. We began by conducting a thorough analysis of their pre-existing marketing strategy and online presence. Based on our analysis, we developed a customized marketing plan that aligned with their business goals and objectives.

With our 360-integrated marketing solutions, Pravarsha Dairy saw a remarkable increase in online engagement, website traffic, and sales. Our dedicated team coordinated with the Pravarsha Dairy’s team daily, providing them with regular updates and insights.

Pravarsha Dairy now gets a minimum of 50 Monthly Milk Subscriptions! 

The social media posts we created were well-received, leading to a surge in orders, sales, and enquiries. The Facebook and Google Ads campaigns we designed and executed were effective in targeting the right audience, resulting in higher conversions and ROI.

Moreover, our SEO optimization strategy improved their search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find them online. We also helped improve their offline marketing efforts by aligning them with their online strategy.

Our design & strategy team created visually appealing and consistent social media posts across all their social media platforms, which increased engagement and reach.

 In addition, we developed and implemented effective Facebook and Google Ads campaigns that targeted their potential customers, resulting in higher conversions and a significant increase in website traffic.