1. Time : Obviously. The more time you invest, the stronger friendships become.


  1. Attention : Look around. It’s possible to make friends with people you never expected to. 


  1. Intention. Friendships take work. It takes mental and physical energy. So are you willing?


  1. Ritual.. So you have a friend that you go out for walks with in the evenings. That’s a ritual. You have a friend who your drink with. That’s a ritual. The effort of coordinating hangs (or even phone calls) is the biggest barrier to seeing friends.


  1. Imagination. It takes imagination to design your life so that friendship plays the role you really want it to.


  1. Grace. Grace has two meanings. One is the forgiveness that we offer each other when we fall short. The other is the space that creates connections—and reconnections—that feel nothing short of miraculous.