Why Eating More Isn’t a Sin

In a world obsessed with portion control and calorie counting, we often forget the simple joy of indulging in a hearty meal. But let’s face it, sometimes you just need to throw caution to the wind and eat to your heart’s content. First off, there’s...
Who are the HAMAS?

Who are the HAMAS?

Hamas, short for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya, is a Palestinian militant organization with a complex and controversial history. Founded in 1987, its primary aim is to liberate Palestine, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, from Israeli control...
Israel & Palestine Conflict – Part 1

Israel & Palestine Conflict – Part 1

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex and deeply-rooted issue that has spanned decades. At its core, it revolves around competing claims to the land and historical, religious, and political tensions. Both Israelis and Palestinians have a profound connection to...
A Brief Recap of Classic Physics Theories

A Brief Recap of Classic Physics Theories

We’re a marketing agency of 15 highly skilled individuals, floating through space & time. Just like the rest of humanity. Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of space and time? These concepts have captivated human minds for centuries. Let’s just...
The Dark Side of Alcohol : A Menace to Earth

The Dark Side of Alcohol : A Menace to Earth

In India, alcohol-related issues have reached alarming heights. Over 100,000 lives are lost annually due to alcohol-related incidents, including accidents, health complications, and crimes. It’s a staggering statistic that reflects the grim reality. Alcohol,...