If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels professionally, you probably don’t know your role and, you probably aren’t providing enough value to those around you.

There are four ways you can become indispensable to a society. Focus on being one of the below and watch your life change : 

  • Connectors
  • Creators
  • Curators
  • Collaborators

Take a closer look at them. 


Connectors are individuals that connect talent with other talent. They are the person in your town or city or community that always “knows a guy”.

They make the connections and, sometimes, they take a small cut of the deal.

The Creator.

Creators are individuals that produce their own creative work on a regular basis: be it through writing, designing, coding or building businesses.

They’re essentially creating things from scratch and doing this creating so well that people are willing to pay them for what they create.

The Curator.

Curators are individuals that compile other creators’ work into a collection of sorts. Think of a digital museum.

Anyone can be a curator, as long as they’ve got good taste and a large enough audience that thinks so.

Bookstores, museums, record stores, vintage clothing stores and newsletters are all examples of curators at work.

The Collaborator.

Collaborators are individuals that help other people bring their ideas to life by offering their time, energy and skill for money or equity.

A collaborator can be a contractor, a consultant, a freelancer or an agency that has deep knowledge and skill in a specific area or is capable of executing well in a number of different areas.



If you’re not connecting, creating, curating or collaborating, you aren’t providing value to people.