The phrase ‘Know your why’ is in almost every article related to content marketing. 


A long time ago someone said, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. Brands seem to have taken this seriously. But is this good advice?


Here’s the real problem : No one outside of the brand actually cares about the brand’s why. 


Let’s be real here. Businesses don’t start with some marvelous world changing ‘why’. At least most of them don’t. 


Let’s take Apple for example. 


When the Mac first came out, the ads weren’t focused on Apple’s why. Instead, they focused on why potential customers would want a Mac. They made it about the customer, not about themselves. 


Apple didn’t discover or create its why and then change its business to match it. It instead came to understand the customers’ why for choosing their product. A totally different thing. 


Your brand’s why matters. But understanding the customers’ why matters so much more. At least for content marketing it does. 


Your brand doesn’t matter if the people don’t understand why they need you. Read that again. 

Matching your brand’s why to your audience and customers’ why sets you on the path to convincing them to love what you love to do. And that’s how your brand will find success in whatever it loves to do.


Here at MNV, we not only love talking about content development & digital marketing, but we also love offering it as a service to businesses. 


Money n Victory is all about being a powerful voice for brands. We love to take brands to the next level, in terms of digital presence and sales. 


Direct Message us today to take your brand to the next level.