Hi there! Let me see how much time I can hold you here! How long do we usually choose to spend time on one reel or a post guys? Max 1 minute or 2? People’s attention span these days has literally reduced to the minimum. If once upon a time youtube was like a goddess where we could learn anything from, those were the days people probably watched hours of videos to learn something. Now we are in a stage where no one has the patience to watch even a 5 minute video completely, and so we play it at 2x speed or fast forward to take in only the points they want to see in the video. Now keeping this fact in mind, we often struggle to spend even five minutes learning something we’re interested in. So, why would anyone want to spend time on an ad that interrupts their main focus?
So what do we marketers do now?
Well the key is to catch their attention in the beginning, make them stop, and get them to listen to you!
Let me give you a small example:
Say you’ve searched for “Tips to write a headline”. As you scroll down on the list of websites that pop up, you find one title that says “Stop scrolling now!”
Wouldn’t this title at least have you stop for an extra second to read the rest of it? If you can create even a little impact, just stop them for an extra second, that will be your first step!
Whether crafting a video, blog post, an ad or a logo, every element you use should serve a purpose, with each word carefully chosen to maximize impact. Minimalist design principles, such as clean layouts and striking visuals, tend to engage the audience more. Why? Because they are easier to understand and simpler to keep in mind.
Here’s another example:
See how just an icon of a half eaten apple is so impactful today? “Apple” has created its impact with its amazing products and service bonded with its logo being easy to remember and recognize. Simple and yet apt for its brand name.
In today’s marketing space, we need to focus on quality over quantity. What should you focus on to make more impact with less?
1. Know your audience. Who are you targeting to reach?
2. Find points that would connect the audience to your brand emotionally.
3. Use colors and elements that would catch different human emotions.
4. Research on what is trending among people, so that you can invest less time and get more audience towards your content knowing the direction that the public is interested in.
5. Keep in check what is working and what isn’t catching the audience so that you won’t be wasting time on content that the audience isn’t willing to see or pay attention to.
In the end, by understanding your target audience, creating emotional connections, staying relevant, and being adaptable, you can achieve greater impact with fewer resources. Make sure you distinguish your brand from the others. It’s the little things that can help you stand out.
Remember, Less is More.