It’s really a bummer how we get stuck in a creative loop, isn’t it? 

We begin with inspiration, when something we see, or a thought, or an experience sprouts out an idea in our head. Then we start working on it. Sometimes we start off but our mind doesn’t go further.. It feels like we don’t know what to do next! 

But wait! What am I even talking about? 

You see, creativity is something you use in a lot of places. May it be creating a product, or marketing it in an interesting way, may it be a project, or to write a book, or maybe even blogging or simply creativity in thinking.

So I’m talking about times we’re faced with a creative challenge. When we feel blank or stuck in the creative process, not being able to think beyond one point on what to do next. This overwhelming feeling is what we call Creative block, right? 

But why? What actually blocks our creative mind at certain times?

We often have lots of ideas when we start something new. But we quickly dismiss them because we worry they won’t be perfect. This fear stops many good ideas before they even develop.

Sometimes, our minds can get too full of other things, leaving no room for new ideas. 

Also, being tired can make it hard to think clearly and creatively.

Creative block could also occur after receiving criticism. Since it means one approach is rejected, our mind takes time to find what other approach can it take to get a good output.

Now that you understand what causes creative block, let’s check how to get through it.

First thing you can do is study and observe yourself, in the sense, understand what inspires you or what moves you. Study situations in your life for inspiration, or experiences you see around you that ask you to tell their story to everyone.

Organize the environment around you. An organized environment can help you organize your thoughts better, and so helps you think clearly!

Whatever ideas you get, don’t erase any of them from your mind! Write them all down! They would either inspire better ideas later or turn out into a real masterpiece itself.

If your mind is already crowded, have a hobby that relaxes you and your mind, let it become a clean slate for a while while you find peace in things like cycling, drawing, walking, sports, or anything that you love to do.

Whenever we feel stuck, we need to LEARN, UNLEARN, and RELEARN.

Learn anew from the world around you, unlearn things that disturb you or hinder your growth, and relearn by adding to your knowledge by applying what you’ve learnt in real life. The more you learn, the more creativity you can unleash, because it builds inspiration.

Do things that make you happy. When you are happy, your mind works wonders too. Don’t hinder any ideas that come across your mind.

Remember, no idea can ever be wasted, because each idea of yours speaks YOU!

To conclude, Clear your mind, clear unnecessary thoughts, get inspired, and find the magic within you! Unblock your creative blocks! All the best!

Do tell us if it worked for you!

#creative #creativity #creativeblock #overcomingcreativeblock #mycreativity #clearmind #learn #unlearn #relearn