Creativity is Subjective, Not Objective

Creativity is Subjective, Not Objective

Have you ever given a thought to how we define creativity? You know, it’s far more subjective than objective. There is no single standard for what constitutes creativity. It’s similar to how we all have varied musical or food preferences. Think about it....
The Metaverse

The Metaverse

Hello there! From one universe to another! Imagine closing your eyes to see a whole new world, where you meet and talk to your friends who are miles away in reality… No, I’m not talking about dreams here. Have you heard of the Metaverse? It’s all about landing...
Future of workplace

Future of workplace

Aren’t we living in an era of everything online? Oh yeah we sure are, I mean look at how many sectors, may it be food, clothing, finance, everything, have caught up online.  Once upon a time, if we needed an auto, we used to search on the roads for autos and bargain...
The Evolution of Marketing: From Traditional to Digital

The Evolution of Marketing: From Traditional to Digital

Just imagine how people can live without technologies such as smartphones or social networks, never mind having no television!  That’s how marketing was in the past or perhaps not even marketing , it was just giving out information. Surprisingly, though you can hardly...