Who would ever like listening to a person just babbling on and on about some product they created? 

Have you noticed how new age ads come up with a whole story, and while the viewer is watching curiously about what’s going to happen next in the video, within the video they bring in the center of attraction, that is their product or service!

Let me remind you of one such interesting example. Remember 5 star chocolate? Remember their ads and their tagline? “Eat 5 star and do nothing

They’ve created multiple short ad stories that show how sometimes “doing nothing” is the best thing to do. They made their ads live up to their tagline.

The best ad of theirs was the latest one where they’ve showcased how AI in the future will be taking up all our jobs anyway, and so the most important job we all will get to do is “nothing”

This concept definitely kept almost all of us watching till the end, to see what the ad was all about! This way, they etched their tagline, and with it their product into everyone’s minds.

That’s the power of storytelling in marketing!

To build connections with your audience, you need to connect with their emotions and their stories! 

Now of course we can’t go to every house to know each of their stories, but we can find the common stories we share at every home. 

One small example would be, the dialogue “I don’t have anything to wear” which almost every girl would say, looking at a wardrobe full of clothes, right?😆 Then imagine creating a story around this dialogue, and making your clothing brand the center of attraction of this ad, where you convey something like… buying from this brand, she won’t have a chance to say that she doesn’t have anything to wear.

So storytelling is to find a common problem that your target audience would relate to, and in an interesting narrative showcase how your product or service could just be the perfect solution. Right? Right. All the best!

Can you tell us about your favorite story ad?Come on, comment below and let us know too! 👇✍

#StorytellingMarketing #BrandStorytelling #ConsumerEngagement #ContentMarketing #Storytelling