Remember when we discussed “less is more”? Let’s explore another side of that in marketing.

Which option do you think is better? 🤔

A broad audience with potentially diverse and unpredictable engagement
A smaller, highly engaged audience with consistent interaction? 

Even a small, dedicated group of followers can be incredibly powerful. When people are truly invested in what someone has to say or share, their influence can be surprisingly strong.

So have you heard of the micro-influencer concept?

A micro-influencer is someone who has a relatively small following but enjoys high engagement from their audience. This means their fans are actively involved, like, comment, and share their content regularly. Because of this close-knit relationship, micro-influencers often have a strong impact on their followers’ decisions and opinions. Their audience trusts their recommendations.

Micro-influencers are typically experts in a specific niche, allowing them to connect with a highly targeted audience. This makes their recommendations more relevant and valuable.

Working with micro-influencers is generally more affordable than partnering with larger influencers, making it a budget-friendly option for many brands.

The smaller, more engaged audience of micro-influencers makes it easier to track the impact of their campaigns and measure return on investment.

Even though they have a small audience online, their efforts can even get them a greater audience through word of mouth

Micro-influencers can build a greater audience offline as well through word-of-mouth due to their strong relationships with their audience.

So remember guys, micro influencers have the trust and loyalty of their audience. By focusing on building relationships with micro-influencers, brands can tap into the power of niche communities and achieve impressive results. All the best!